根据上海市关于第五届进博会有关防控要求,“所有参与第五届进博会的境内参展参会人员,原则上在进入国家会展中心(上海)2 周前需完成新冠病毒疫苗全程接种,符合条件的需按要求完成加强免疫接种”。
1、新冠病毒疫苗分为 1 或 2 或 3 剂次,在进入红线前 14 天完成新冠疫苗全程接种,即打完 1 剂次,或全程打完 2 剂次,或全程打完 3 剂次。
2、符合条件的需按要求完成加强免疫接种,即指完成新冠病毒疫苗全程接种满 6 个月以上人员,应完成加强免疫接种,具体可咨询各疫苗接种点。
1、为了避免因未全程接种疫苗,或 未完成加强免疫接种而不能进入红线的情况,请相关参展参 会人员尽快完成疫苗接种。
2、以有效身份证件注册进博 会证件的,需与进行核酸采样检测所使用身份证件保持一致,以免发生核酸不匹配的问题。
3、根据国内外疫情形势发 展、上海市疫情响应级别调整和防控需求等,按照国务院联 防联控机制和上海市秋冬季疫情防控总体要求,组织开展风 险评估,相应动态调整防控措施。所有参展参会人员健康信 息核验标准请以后续公布的通知为准。
Advance Reminder on Implementing the COVID-19 Vaccination and Booster Immunization for Exhibitors and Participants of the 5th CIIE
Policy requirements. In accordance with the provisions of Shanghai Municipality on the COVID-19 prevention and control of the 5th CIIE, “all domestic exhibitors and participants of the 5th CIIE will be required to complete all COVID-19 vaccinations two weeks before entering National Exhibition and Convention Center (Shanghai), and those eligible will be required to complete the booster vaccination”.
Interpretation. Firstly, the COVID-19 vaccine is composed of 1, 2, or 3 doses, and the whole vaccination process of the COVID-19 vaccine shall be completed 14 days before entering the alert area, i.e., 1 dose, 2 doses or 3 doses needed shall be completed. Secondly, those eligible need to complete the booster immunization as required, i.e., those who have completed the whole process of COVID-19 vaccination for more than six months should complete the booster immunization. For details, please consult each vaccination point.
Reminder for work. Firstly, to avoid being unable toenter the alert area due to not being vaccinated in the wholeprocess or not completing the booster immunization, relevant exhibitors and participants are requested to complete the vaccination. Secondly, those who register for the CIIE with a valid ID card must keep the same ID card as the one used for nucleic acid sampling and testing to avoid nucleic acid mismatch. Thirdly, based on the development of the COVID-19 pandemic at home and apoad, the adjustment of the pandemic response level, and the prevention and control needs of Shanghai, we will organize risk assessment and adjust the pandemic prevention and control measures in accordance with joint prevention and control mechanism of the State Council and the general requirements of the pandemic prevention and control in autumn and winter in Shanghai. The health information verification standard for all exhibitors and participants shall be subject to the notice to be published later.